Monday, January 10, 2011


Here is a video of pandas thriving in a preservation in China.

How is this related to biology?

 The threats against giant pandas are also threats to the forest, plants, and environment. All these things involve biology and are important to balancing ecosystems. Biology is the study of life, and when living things are being threatened we need to stop and help those things to keep balance to Earth’s natural order.
            What is being done and what more can we do? China has taken action and created preservations to help the Pandas population, and to keep them safe. Pandas are recognized as an endangered species and are under watch by organizations like WWF and ESA (Endangered Species Act). You can help by supporting these organizations and donating. Also, you can spread knowledge and educate people of their misfortune. This may increase donations and decrease the panda’s habitat’s tourism and help keep their habitat in tact.

What is the importance of rescuing endangered species such as the giant panda?

The giant panda is of philosophical importance to the Chinese culture, who believe pandas are the physical manifestation of the Yin and the Yang. Sustaining diversity is important part of balancing ecosystems. Giant pandas endangerment also involves the destruction of bamboo; these two organisms help balance the ecosystems in China. If the bamboo population keeps depleting than the pandas will have less food sources and the population will decrease as well. If we help rescue the pandas then we will help bamboo population as well and this will have less environmental damage. Not only do they help balance ecosystems but also deserve to be on this planet and we should not stand by and let them become extinct by our excessive destruction.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What is threatening the giant pandas?

Living wildly in the mountain ranges of central China, there are many causes that impact these pandas that have suffered the species to a minimum. Habitat loss is a major contribution to the pandas’ blight, with bamboo production decreasing, timber logging increasing, and lower elevations conserved for agriculture, panda’s have to find other sources of food (WWF). Pandas once lived in lowland areas, but were forced out due to farming, forest clearing, and other developments have restricted their habitat to the mountains.

Another threat is fragmentation within their living habitat. This is when human development splits the ecosystem into pieces for agriculture or urban development. Their living area is conserved to 20 blocks and reproduction is more difficult since they are far apart. The blocks are like small neighborhood living areas where the pandas can thrive. These living areas are far apart because of the fragmentation is spread throughout leaving only 20 blocks scattered throughout. Reproduction is already difficult for giant pandas since they ovulate only once a year in the spring for a very short time. Since they live on their own, the process is very dependant on time, and how close a panda is to a potential mate, because pandas are relatively slow moving creatures. This makes reproduction even more rare and difficult, so there is even less of a chance that the population will grow back.

What is a giant panda?

The Giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and one of the world’s most threatened animals.  The population of giant panda’s is less than 2500 that mature in the world. It is describes best as about the size of an American black bear, giant pandas standing range from two and three feet tall at the shoulder when on all four, and reach four to six feet long. Wild Males weigh up to 250 pounds while females rarely reach 220 pounds (National Zoo). Also, it is described as a black-and-white bear, and has black fur on its ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders, which provides warmth in the cold temperatures. They have large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo.


According to World Net an endangered species is “Species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction.” The importance of conserving animals cannot be stressed enough. There are so many reasons to save a species from natural dangers as well as man made threats to a species’ existence. A particular endangered species that has been the focus and logo of a popular organization called The World Wildlife Fund is the giant panda. The World Wildlife Fund has helped the efforts of many to help not only the specific specie but also many others.